VR Controller.
Low volume production of haptic locomotion controller for Virtual Reality gaming enthusiasts.
VRGO is a Bristol-based tech company specialising in VR input devices. Following a successful crowdfunding campaign, VRGO partnered with ITERATE to help launch the VRGO Mini in to the market by producing a small batch quantity using low-volume manufacturing techniques. In order to limit investment, the design team chose to utilise both HP FusionJet printing technology as well as vacuum-forming. A 3D printed fascia enclosed the electronic technology and haptic motor, providing the user with vibration feedback in the gaming environment. This was upholstered using faux leather, offering seated comfort for long periods of time. An ABS plastic base gave the load-bearing ability to accommodate a wide range of users as well as delivering the rocking motion needed to control their virtual character. Through our vast understanding of manufacturing processes, VRGO were able to enter the market without significant investment in production tooling; and, have established a clear scale-up strategy that can be implemented as demand for their product increases.