Mobility Support.
Motor-driven assistive arm support system for muscular dystrophy patients.
This project represented a unique challenge for the design team, who were tasked with developing a customised arm support system for an individual experiencing severe muscular dystrophy. The aim was to increase the customer’s independence when carrying out daily activities such as eating, drinking and brushing their teeth. With support from the Assistive Technologies Innovation Centre (ATiC) based within the University of Wales Trinity St. David, ITERATE developed a motor-driven mechanism that attached to the client’s wheelchair, providing the desired movement in the upper arm. Lab-based simulation within ATiC enabled biomechanical movements to be analysed, which informed the design process. In addition, additive manufacturing was used to create a custom-fit to the body, providing the user with the greatest level of comfort. The remote controlled system is further being developed in conjunction with Cardiff & Vale University Health Board to explore its wider application across the NHS.