August 14, 2024 ITERATE

Letting AI Lead The Way – The New Product Development Experiment

A short experiment integrating pick up and play AI tools

In the ever-evolving field of product design, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important to stay competitive and innovative. Yet, just how far throughout the product design process can AI software take you? Being a consultancy in the industry, we wanted to better understand the abilities of AI in New Product Development.

Robert Riley, one of our Product Design Engineers, conducted a recent experiment, integrating pick up and play AI tools to assist him in developing an original product concept proposal. The initial concept brief was simple; something that will help children improve upon their dance and sporting skills. Intrigued by the end result? Take a look at how far Rob got, with the use of readily available AI platforms alone…


Concept Generation with ChatGPT                                                                         

The experiment began with using ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI, to generate initial concept ideas. Rob provided the software with limited information, only asking the programme to provide concept ideas for a device that helps children enhance their dancing and sport abilities. ChatGPT was able to brainstorm product concepts around the brief within seconds, exploring different angles and possibilities without the constraints of conventional thinking. This process enabled our designer to quickly obtain a diverse range of relevant ideas, serving as a solid foundation for further development. Rob settled on an AI-Powered Video Analysis Tool; a device that records and analyses practice sessions before providing feedback.


Mood Boards with Midjourney                                                                                 

Once the concept was decided upon, another platform was explored to provide essence and core to the recording device, bringing it to life visually. Rob began by utilising Midjourney, to generate compelling mood boards. These boards help convey the visual and emotional tone of a product. Due to it being an item suited towards children, Rob fed the AI relevant keywords such as vibrant, bold colours, child’s electronic toy, modular camera. Refining the prompts enabled the software to provide a range of specific ideas close to what he had potentially envisaged. All he had to do then was make a choice!


Concept Image Generation and Refinement with Midjourney, Vizcom and Prome AI

With a clear visual direction established, Rob turned to Midjourney, Vizcom and Prome AI for concept image generation and development. These AI-driven tools enable designers to create detailed and realistic images of their product ideas, efficiently. Shading, colour variants, shape and size, can all be further enhanced on your existing image, to add depth and refinement to the concept.

This combination of tools allowed our designer to transform rough ideas into more polished visual representations at a rapid speed. The AI tools facilitated quick iterations, enabling Rob to experiment with various design elements and refine his chosen concepts, based on personal preferences and requirements. All until he was satisfied with what he saw!


Need for Expertise…

From this point, Rob felt he needed to start intervening. AI was no longer able to lead the way. The tools available didn’t offer the suitability to move the concept forward beyond a visually appealing 2D image. Thus, he created a simple 3D CAD model himself. Up until now, AI had generated realistic imagery but to take it to the next phase of the development process, Rob found himself requiring more bespoke design software.

This is where our designer decided to conclude the experiment. He had created a compelling concept proposal supported by visually appealing images, for a device that would assist children with their dance skills. All through the use of readily available AI software! Yet from here, his design expertise would be required.


What did we like? What could be improved?                                                  

Speed! These programmes can pump out a multitude of visually compelling concept ideas in seconds. Which can then become increasingly more suitable, as you refine and tailor your instruction. There is no doubt that by leveraging readily available programmes such as: ChatGPT, Midjourney, Vizcom, and Prome AI, designers can enhance their creativity and improve workflow efficiency. For the early stages of product design, AI can indeed be a magic wand.

However, in reality, how feasible and practical these concepts would be is where the designer’s expertise and knowledge come into play. The AI is providing visually appealing images not usable 3D CAD data. Therefore, whether they are fit for purpose, still requires human analysis.

This short experiment highlighted that many AI tools are user-friendly and accessible, require minimal instruction to produce impressive results and can be implemented into existing workflows. But it cannot replace those expert questions, the designer’s testing and knowledge of the market, which is all still very relevant in the new product development process.

If you would like to discover more about the AI experiment ITERATE carried out, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The Team here at ITERATE are always happy to arrange a chat, so please do give us a call or drop us an email. 


Jenni Manning

ITERATE Business Development Executive

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